Saturday, August 20, 2011

I live in seattle washington and want the military out of our public schools here and the recruiters gone?

I live in seattle washington and want the military out of our public schools here and the recruiters gone?
Who can I contact to see if they can get the military out of our schools in the seattle area? I wish to get them out of the entire country, but i dont think i can do so much. Also I want there recruiters shut down, they are looked down upon because they brainwash our children and recruit for illegal wars, torture, rape and die for profits Who can I contact? City Counsel? Lawmakers? Is there any groups i can join who are trying to accomplish this FORTY 7: GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER! Françoise H: You are right
Politics - 31 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If I were you, I would contact a therapist....
2 :
your not a liberal your a troll-er
3 :
Be as vocal as you can be, that's all I can say.
4 :
Pick up your phone, shine it up real nice and polish it well, turn that *********** sideways and stick it up your candy ***. What else would you expect from a liberal West Coast idiot loon like yourself. Have a nice day
5 :
It's a public school. If they want public money, they're going to stay.
6 :
You can start by actually knowing what you are talking about so that no one will laugh at you when you make such moronic statements. Thanks for playing we have a lovely parting gift and free coffee in the green room.
7 :
If you were running this country we would have no military and the U.S.A. would have serious national security problems. I am glad your not in charge.
8 :
Look! A genuine Seattle liberal dipshit. The military isn't brainwashing anyone. It's you butt-plug marriage, tofu-eating,tree hugger types doing that. You people got the young generation so confused that they don't even know which gender they are anymore.
9 :
What are you? A member of code pink? You are disgrace. The military protects that very freedom you wish to destroy. I suggestion you live in the middle east and see if you feel the same way.
10 :
Good luck. The public "education" system is owned and controlled by the same NWO that controls the military. There's not much you can do... except keep your kids out of that Pavlovian conditioning facility. And don't sweat the ignorant who will attack you for even bringing up this subject. They are beyond help.
11 :
Personally, I think the other students would benefit more with you out of school. The state even. For us, try another country.
12 :
Keep talking. Others will see how enlightened you are and go along with you. The wisdom of your point of view is only exceeded by your wonderful use of the language.
13 :
The ACLU hates America too so you should talk to them. The "illegal" war was authorized by Congress and backed by 20 U.N. resolutions that called for military action should Saddam defy them, which he did. Nothing illegal about it. Perhaps you're the one who's brainwashed.
14 :
Call 1-800-IMA-FOOL You don't deserve the protection of our brave military! Who in the hell do you think secures your freedom! Take a hike junior.
15 :
maybe you should privatize you schools, oh, beware, your goon in the white house wants to reenact the draft. You might move to Canada, you sure don't sound like a proud american.
16 :
As You Said """"Also I want there recruiters shut down, they are looked down upon because they brainwash our children and recruit for illegal wars, torture, rape and die for profits"""" ur not a very patriotic American are you?
17 :
Its our military that protects your rights to write stupid questions like this. My children are looking forward to joining the service. I wish them the best. They are only in the 8th and 6th grade. They have not been influenced by any recruiter.
18 :
I think you are mistaken the US Military for the UN they are the ones raping kids in Africa. These brave women and men put there lives on the line so people like you have the freedom to shoot your mouths off . These women and men are not forced to join they do it out of pride for their country . Is`nt seattle a city a few years ago beat a innocent Military guy home for a little R & R and the people that beat him just left him lying on the streets matter a fact they ganged up on the guy out numbering him. Here this man survived being shoot at at only to get beaten by a bunch of anti war cowards.
19 :
You are an idiot. The military and recruiters are there to talk to whoever's interested. If you don't wanna talk to them you don't have to. Btw you could probably give Bill Ayers a call I'm sure he'd love to help. Maybe you two could go bomb a couple buildings then go hang out with the president! Idiot.
20 :
You are on the "left coast" how can you not already have your way.
21 :
Contact a mental health professional. County provided services are listed in the front of your phone book. Resources are also available on the internet. Hey wait... Did you quit taking your meds again?
22 :
if i was in the military i would want to get the hell out of seattle as well. you guys are primo nut jobs, the only thing you have going for you is the coffee!
23 :
Tighten the strap on your helmet and repeatedly run headfirst into a wall. Threaten to do that until the bad men go away. Or until the men with the nets come along.
24 :
I was recruited from a seattle post. I think you and you liberal a** should get the h*** out of our state.
25 :
sounds good,let's pull all military all your state national guard everybody and then cut off all Federal funds to your state .sounds like you don't like authority so maybe we'll get rid of the police the most likely the fireman as they are also authority .
26 :
These requirements are contained in § 9528 of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. § 7908), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (P.L. No. 107-110), the education bill Congress recently passed. I totally agree with you this is a disgrace to run such recruiting campaigns at public schools selling the war crap to 18 - years old kids. Here is a link with things you can do about it. - find other colleges - opt out from military recruiting. - refuse to give your information to the military (there is a law in your favor here) - Write to your school officials and state senators - Never vote again for a democrat or a republican
27 :
Forget it. What you want just isn't going to happen. Personally I think Military service should be mandatory for ALL citizens.
28 :
Concerned OR a radical Liberal that would sell American secrets to bin Laden for a quarter? You want a suggestion? If you're going to try to take military out of schools you might want to approach them without going on your insane rant about "illegal wars, torture and rape". I am offended by your statements and think you are ungrateful piece of garbage. A military is a necessity to every country and they all recruit. As much as you would like no defense - too bad.
29 :
Yo, liberal fool. I'm a retired Army recruiter and ran across idiots like you many times during my 18 years as a recruiter. First of all, you can't exclude the recruiters from public schools, unless you want the schools to close. The reason, they accept money from the US Government and have to accept recruiters as one of the terms of the funding. Since you want recruiters shut down, I suppose you are advocating the return of the draft, or more likely, the taking over of our country by another country. As for the rest of your second statement, Recruiters do not brainwash, nor do they recruit children, let alone recruit them for illegal wars, rape and torture (the soldiers who rape and torture would have done the same had they remained civilians) and what profit? Do you actually think recruiters are paid some form of bounty, if so you truly are an idiot. Instead of contacting anyone in an attempt to abolish military recruiting, why not just move your family and your own worthless a$$ to some nice, peaceful, neutral country and leave the job of being American to real Americans, not little pinko pussies such as yourself.
30 :
Cindy Sheehan, will you please stop writing this nonsense ! I thought you were trying to get Nancy Pelosi's job. ( I wish you luck )
31 :
If I were you (and I'm thankful that I'm not) I'd contact the ACLU and the American Communist Party. No, you've probably already got them on speed-dial. Not that you care - but your right to speak so stupidly is guaranteed by the blood of those who you condemn in your question.